AMCAP Journal of Media and Communication Studies - Lahore

Journal of Media and Communication Studies

Association of Media and Communication Academic Professionals (AMCAP)
ISSN (online): 2789-9756

Nature of Involvement of People in Extracting Coronavirus (COVID-19) Related Information: A Perspective on Bangladeshi Media

  • Mamunor Rashid/
  • Md. Ripul Kabir/
  • Sara Monami Hossain/
  • Samrat Shaikh/
  • July 10, 2021
Corona Virus (COVID-19), Extraction of Information, Use of Media.

The role of mass media is imperative in creating awareness by the dissemination of information about various societal issues. The principal objective of the said research study is to explore the nature of mass media in spreading information on Coronavirus (COVID-19). Total population taken for this study was 125. A structured questionnaire survey was conducted through Google from August 16 to August 31, 2020 on different age groups. The questionnaire offered 25 questions on 5 issues. The study revealed that most participants got information on COVID-19 from social media using internet regularly, recognizing its importance of educating people on the pandemic. This study found that the related information by the Bangladeshi media houses was insufficient. After receiving information about Coronavirus from mass media, almost all the participants knew what Covid-19 was. They conveyed the knowledge to their families and even followed the preventive measures against the pandemic as stated by media. It is declared that the information given by newspapers and television was credible but media sometimes provided misleading information about Coronavirus. Media needs to observe caution while giving news so as to save people from any wrong impact.


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Assistant Professor Mass Communication & Journalism University of Khulna, Bangladesh



Assistant Professor, Sociology Discipline, Khulna University


Assistant Professor, Mass Communication and Journalism Discipline, Khulna University


Research Assistant, Mass Communication and Journalism Discipline, Khulna University



Type: Article
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Language: English
Id: 60fd4b0cb8ac9
Pages 87 - 100
Published July 10, 2021


  • 898
  • 510
  • 319
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