AMCAP Journal of Media and Communication Studies - Lahore

Journal of Media and Communication Studies

Association of Media and Communication Academic Professionals (AMCAP)
ISSN (online): 2789-9756


AMCAP is a collective effort of prominent communication scholars to promote research and address gaps in media and communication education by bringing academics of the field under one umbrella. Established in 2017 under Musarat Jamal Khurshid (MJK) Trust the Association of Media and Communication Academic Professionals, (AMCAP) is an independent association to expedite the mutual exchange of ideas promoting media and communication research and education. AMCAP is an initiative to bring academics from media departments to join hands in sharing ideas and get equal opportunities of exposure & learning. Our philosophy gyrates around the idea that media education should be a deliberate effort to establish and nurture an organic relation between individuals and society. This relation can only be achieved through an orderly transmission of collective experiences and expertise. AMCAP is a collective forum for communication scholars to promote research and education in the field of communication /media /journalism. We build collaborations to bring educational institutions and resources of Pakistan under one umbrella where mutual exchange of knowledge can benefit all.