This research analyzes the positive effect of the Covid19 pandemic apropos of enhanced digital media literacy at universities of Central Punjab. The positive side of the pandemic can be discussed by taking into account the theoretical basis of the Uses and Gratification Theory and The Risk Communication framework. During the lockdown imposed to control the spread of COVID19, individuals excessively used digital/ social media platforms to satisfy their needs or to gain contentment. In doing so, individuals satisfied both their Cognitive and Affective needs during the pandemic. Augmentation in terms of Digital media literacy can be termed as a fruitful outcome of the pandemic. Individuals mostly align their written and spoken discourse with the destructive outcomes of the pandemic, but this research work detects the bright side of the pandemic, specifically in terms of augmented digital media literacy among BS-level students and their instructors. The data has been gathered from public sector universities situated in the Central Punjab region of Pakistan. The research work has been aligned with Uses and Gratification Theory and The Risk Communication framework. Population of the study includes both the students and their instructors and it has been discovered as to how the pupils and their teachers have acquainted with knowledge of digital media by engaging themselves in digitalized teaching-learning process and supplementing their digital media literacy. Teachers and students have both enhanced their media literacy by the use of different web-based and social media platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom, Moodle, WhatsApp, Facebook, etc. One can regard the pandemic as a blessing in disguise on account of the enhanced digital media literacy among tutors and the pupils. This research work is planned to assist and encourage both the tutors and students to explore new ways of learning through which the teaching-learning can be even more accessible, pleasing, digitalized, effective, and innovative. The use of digital platforms for imparting information can be helpful in both days of normalcy and crisis as people are capable of satisfying their needs by incorporating digital media platforms into their learning. All thanks to the pandemic that has taught learning through new options.
Lecturer English (Department of Linguistics, University of Okara, Pakistan)
Type: | Article |
Volume: | 2 |
Issue: | 2 |
Language: | English |
Id: | 62ffdbe5e7a98 |
Published | July 10, 2022 |

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