In the 21st century, social media sites have developed rapidly and universally. This world has become a global village because of the widespread use of social media. There are millions of people using social media sites all over the world to meet a wide range of needs. There are many perks to using social media, including gaining knowledge of the world around you, alleviating boredom, and keeping in touch with friends. Using social media provides individuals with a vital source of social, moral, and emotional support, as well as a means of enhancing their cognitive abilities. According to the uses and gratification model, the current study aims to discover which social media sites in Pakistan satisfy university students' desire for social capital (Bridging and Bonding). Questionnaires were used in four public universities in Pakistan's twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi to collect data on students' experiences in the classroom. Majority of people use WhatsApp to build social capital. Many respondents, on the other hand, say that Facebook helps them bridge their social capital.
Bin Yamin Khan
LecturerDepartment of Communication & Media Studies, Hazara University Mansehra, Pakistan
- khanbinyamin@gmail.com
Professor of information & Communication Sciences, Université de Lille, France
Assistant Professor at the Department of Media & Communication Studies, International Islamic University Islamabad
Type: | Article |
Volume: | 1 |
Issue: | 1 |
Language: | English |
Id: | 60218a6d17a98 |
Pages | 23 - 41 |
Published | February 10, 2021 |

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